Overdentures Dentists Orlando Florida

If you are a fan of how traditional dentures can be removed but you’d prefer added stability, overdentures can give you the best of both worlds. This type of oral appliance is also known as a “snap-in denture” and is supported by dental implants instead of simply resting on top of the gums. Our Greater Orlando, FL, dentists will need to place the implants and wait for the areas to heal before fastening the denture(s) on top.

Overdentures are removable false teeth supported by dental implants instead of resting on the gums.

Here’s what you should know about the components of an overdenture and how this option can improve your daily life.

Benefits of Choosing Overdentures

There aren’t too many moving parts when it comes to overdentures, but it’s still important to consider all of the elements if you’re in the market for some form of tooth replacement. With this one, you have a predetermined number of implants that are permanently inserted, a connector piece that goes on top of the implants, and denture that snaps right into those pieces.

Our dentists can either fix the denture itself into place so it doesn’t come off or we can allow it to remain removable for cleaning purposes. Typically, overdentures are meant to give the wearer some flexibility in terms of being able to remove them when desired, i.e., sleeping, but if you’re more interested in them staying put, feel free to bring this up with our team.

In general, however, overdentures give the following benefits:

  • More stable than regular dentures and not likely to shift thanks to dental implants
  • Improved chewing during meals
  • Comfortable fit due to less friction on the gums
  • Natural-looking appearance
  • Prevention of further bone loss in jaw

Maintenance & Care Required

Assuming your set of overdentures can be taken out, you’ll need to clean the devices similarly to how you would if you had full or partial dentures. That means brushing your tongue, gums, and the roof of your mouth with a soft-bristled toothbrush every day. You’ll want to do this before you put your snap-in dentures in place.

Be sure to also rinse off your dentures to get rid of any leftover food particles or debris. If at any point you choose to remove the overdentures, make sure they’re submerged in water so they remain moist and don’t become dry, cracked, or warped.

Discuss Overdentures With Our Dentists

Our dentists serving Greater Orlando, FL, can discuss all details surrounding overdentures if you’re curious to know how they might work for your smile specifically. Call Classic Smiles today at (407) 378-0139 to request an appointment.